Endosphere Therapy- Cellulite & Skin Tightening Treatment

Welcome to The Face Center:
Are you looking for a non-invasive body treatment that helps you rejuvenate and tighten the skin? Look no further; the Face Centre’s Endospheres Therapy is a highly effective and safe treatment to address stubborn cellulite and tighten the skin. Our skilled professionals are dedicated to providing safe and effective endosphere therapy procedures tailored to your skin's unique needs, helping you look and feel your absolute best.
What is Endospheres Therapy?
Endospheres Therapy is a non-invasive body treatment that uses low-frequency sound waves that generate controlled mechanical stress to penetrate deep into the layers of skin in the targeted area, reducing cellulite and tightening the skin.
Why Choose The Face Center for Endospheres Therapy?
At The Face Centre, we understand that each individual's skin is unique and requires personalized care. Our skilled aestheticians will work with you to create a personalized Endospheres therapy plan and help you achieve your desired results. To smooth out your cellulite and improve lymphatic drainage, get in touch with the best skin specialist in Delhi, Dr. Ishan Sardesai, now!
How Does Endospheres Therapy Work?
Endospheres Therapy combines both Microvibration and Microcompression technology for a more dramatic result, executed in a non-surgical manner. It is FDA registered, 100% safe, and presents no side effects whatsoever.
The treatment uses a roller device composed of 55 silicon spheres that generate low-frequency mechanical vibrations, and it is used to improve the appearance of cellulite, skin tone, wrinkles, and laxity and reduce fluid retention. It can be used on the face as well as the body, with the most popular areas for Endospheres treatments being the thighs, buttocks, and upper arms.
Depending on the number and size of the area/s treated, each session typically takes 30-60 minutes.
Benefits of Endospheres Therapy:
Cellulite Reduction: Endospheres Therapy breaks down fibroblasts in stubborn fat, allowing the body to naturally flush them away, resulting in a significant reduction of the appearance of cellulite.
Hike in Production of Collagen and Skin Elasticity: Increased collagen production can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of ageing, as well as improve the distribution of fat cells, resulting in a more contoured appearance.
Improved Lymphatic Drainage and Circulation: The low-frequency sound waves used in Endospheres Therapy help to improve lymphatic drainage and circulation, leading to a rejuvenated, youthful appearance.
Muscle Toning: The therapy aids in firming the underlying muscles, leading to an overall enhancement in the body's appearance.
Innovative Technology: Endospheres Therapy uses the only device in the world that features innovative Compressive Micro Vibration technology, providing individuals with a customized treatment.
At The Face Centre, we are committed to ensuring everyone can experience self-assurance in their skin. Our Endospheres Therapy has been specifically crafted to help you embrace your true self, letting your inner glow shine.
Contact us today to arrange your Endospheres Therapy session, or to simply discover more about our life-changing anti-aging treatments. Reconnect with your youthful radiance at The Face Center!