What is Endosphere therapy?
Endosphere therapy stands out as a cutting-edge technology in the realm of non-invasive body sculpting. It employs an advanced and patented compressive micro-vibration technology utilizing a probe embedded with 55 hypoallergenic silicon spheres, a distinctive feature not found in any other device. These spheres are strategically arranged in a honeycombed pattern, generating low-frequency mechanical vibrations. This innovative approach stimulates and enhances regional lymphatic drainage and blood circulation. The Compressive Microvibration Method, exclusive to Endospheres, represents the latest advancement in full-body treatments, allowing precise targeting of key areas from head to toe.
This therapy operates from the skin down to the muscular level and is effective across the entire body. It addresses various concerns, ranging from cellulite reduction to body sculpting, facilitating tissue remodeling and muscle toning. By improving regional lymphatic drainage and blood circulation, it addresses the root cause of cellulite..
Endospheres offer a comprehensive suite of treatments designed for complete facial rejuvenation. The therapy works beneath the skin to enhance tone, elasticity, and shape, while on the surface, it addresses complexion issues, dark circles, and eye bags. The immediate impact on facial tissue includes an acceleration of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid production, reviving tired, dull, or sagging complexions and restoring natural beauty.
Functioning as a proven therapeutic massager, Endospheres involves the application of the probe in a specific direction, guided by tissue sensors that determine the appropriate pressure. The experience is akin to a deep-tissue massage, providing an instant feeling of lightness and toning. For optimal results, a recommended course of 12 sessions (2-3 sessions per week) is advised, with a minimum 48-hour gap between sessions. Remarkably, studies have demonstrated a patient satisfaction rate of 97.8%.
In a highly competitive cosmetic industry, Endospheres distinguishes itself as a 100% non-invasive method, devoid of downtime, and leverages state-of-the-art technology for both enjoyable and effective treatments. Notably, the procedure is renowned for its absence of side effects, except for mild redness at the treated site, which typically subsides within hours. Pain, swelling, and bruising are entirely absent. While some clients may initially experience mild discomfort due to the push-pull action, this sensitivity diminishes throughout the course of the sessions.
It is crucial to consider a few contraindications - this therapy is not recommended during pregnancy nor breastfeeding, but can be safely administered six months post-pregnancy. It should not be applied over an active skin infection, or to individuals on anticoagulant medications. Those dealing with deep vein thrombosis should also avoid this treatment.